Sunday 23 November 2008

Website updates

Working this weekend and suffering from lack of trade due to cold wet weather has at least allowed me time to get up to date with our website, We are currently working on getting a section on our site for visitors to find out more about local attractions and events along with what else Beaulieu can offer. It is somewhat surprising that the Beaulieu villiage website has not been kept up to speed at least we can fill that gap for visitors and hopefully attract others to the area.
We had a meeting on Saturday with some of the Learning garden team to set out for next year a range of drop-in courses on vegetable gardening. Our intention is to provide simple workshops on a regular basis where visitors can come along and learn some practical advice on grwoing veg in their own garden or allotement. These will consist of about a 10-15min talk followed by practical experience so that the theory can be put into practice.
We will be posting details of the program up opn the website once we have finalised it, places will be however limited and if you wnat to come along we suggest an early booking. These workshops will be FREE but if you want a more detailed and thorough course we are aiming to offer these later in the year. There will a charge for these but we can assure you that your money will be well spent.

Saturday 22 November 2008

Weekend weather change

Saturday and the weather has changed. Why is it when the weekend comes along and people can get out into the garden the weather does a change for the worse. This morning in the garden centre it started to sleet. We are setting out our Christmas tree area for the first trees are due in from Scotland on Wednesday, we are expecting them to be covered with snow, how very festive.

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Sort fruit training

Having got our fruit posts up in the learning garden we have now started putting the wire up. As we have said before we are going to demonstrate various ways of training the fruit.
Fortunately the manure has now been delivered and we have got Beaulieu school to help get this spread over the fruit tree area. The children just had great fun on Wednesday spreading the manure, they love the physical aspects of gardening.

Thursday 13 November 2008

One day fine another wet

Today (Thursday) what a day, you could have fired a shotgun through the garden centre at 11am and not hit anybody. It certainly is not conducive to gardening, but then yesterday was glorious. Oh the vagaries of English weather.
Yesterday was our last reward card holders Christmas evening and what a great time. thank you to evrybody who came over the two days making it a very pleasant and successful time.
We got through 80+ bottles of champagne and 450 mince pies and kilos of sausages, nothing like a drink and a few home cooked goodies to liven up the evening. For those of you who couldn't make it we are celebrating a traditional Christmas in Beaulieu on Saturday 13th December so why not come along to that as the whole villiage will be participating.