Friday 15 August 2008

August seed sowing

To make use of space available in the garden we are currently sowing direct into the ground a range of quick crops:
Carrots Nantes2, Land cress variegated American, various mixed leaf lettuce such as French and Italian mix, Oriental mustards, flat-leaved parsley and a quick crop of radish.
In our raised beds we are sowing various overwintering crops which, when they have grown we will transplant out into the garden. Some of these crops are: Spring cabbage, Chicory, endive, fennel, Pak Choi, spinach and Swiss chard.


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  2. If you find your ground is too wet to sow in I suggest you sow seeds into lengths of guttering, wait for the plants to reach 2-3cm and then slide them into your soil when it has dried out


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